Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Based On...

I found the challenge this month on the english origami forum very interesting. This month, the challenge is Complex model in less than 30 steps. That means pick any model such as one by Kamiya, Lang or Takashi and fold an interpretation of it in 30 steps. I chose 3 models to try out, and the first with a result was Ryuzin, based on Kamiya Satoshi's Ryuzin 3.5. I wanted a lot of details, and just ended up with a really thick model. Here is the CP, which gives you an idea of the thickness of the middle.
Ryuzin CP

It can be diagrammed in 30 steps or under, what with all of the repetitions. To start off, pleat the corners into the middle so that the paper is a quarter of the width (diagonally). You can see that the outside parts are just repeated. Fold the CP for the middle. For the feet, pleat them into the middle. The head and tail details are fairly straightforward, and you can choose to make a tongue, too.
Ryuzin, Ryan MacDonell
Ryuzin, Ryan MacDonell

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Could you diagram this model if it really does only require ~30 steps? I am a fan of yours,and would really enjoy diagrams for this. I will also test them if you need me to. Contact me at my flickr if you wish:
