Monday, May 21, 2007

Golofa Claviger

At last, I've reached my final insect for the english forum's challenge. This was one of the first insects that caught my eye, mainly because it looked so weird with it's giant horn. It took me a while to figure out how to make the horns like they are, and I came up with this (16:16, of course):
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The two long points on both sides come together to make the front horn.

Here is the cute little insect that comes when you fold it right:
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

A special thanks to F.Y. Huang, manager of for all the pictures I used to discover all the different insects.


Shonen said...

Yo cupcake!

I would advice using paper that reflects less light to make the insects slightly more photogenic :)

Anonymous said...

Well, thats just the thing- most bugs are shiny!