Friday, February 19, 2016

Eight months to publication

Unless you count the dolphin, I haven't really designed a fish that I've been satisfied with. The idea was very simple (based on a preliminary base), but with the original colour changes and the big sail on the back the original design didn't look like anything in particular. I wanted to make it into a marlin or a sailfish at the time, but I couldn't decide how to fix the colours. Here is the CP for what I'd come up with:

I kept coming back to this designs, making an iteration about once a week. I was finally satisfied with the design just the other day, so I folded the final version to post online, looked at pictures of marlins and sailfish to decide which it was and realized it looked like neither. Luckily, realized that to make it look more like a marlin I just needed to add a ventral fin and change the tail colour and I had enough extra paper for both with the same base.


1 comment:

ecorigami said...

Cool,j'adore :)So thanks :)